Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mental Fatigue


When Days feels longer than Life

You keep yourself Engaged & wise 

2 months in second Lockdown, Life feels like its stand still 

The lockdown fatigue sets in & bogs you down

You still smile , with the hope of getting back to normalcy,

Because one day it will & you will see. 

You will look back to these days 

And be proud of every effort you put in, to make ways.

Proud of yourself & the ones you care 

For becoming a better & stronger version of yourself, now & elsewhere. 


Own your decision


Life has been very generous , I am grateful about that.

A loving Family is all I could ask 

But life is full of mistakes, I regret

Only if I can make it right , and not look back. 

Marrying some stranger, who doesn’t think about anyone except himself

Leaving my career, just to get married

It feels so heavenly to start with, that feeling vanishes when reality strikes. 

You make compromises to keep moving ahead in life 

Ignore your intense feelings, that may possibly arise 

When you love someone, being selfish is not in the books

Instead you dedicate yourself to their nooks. 

Becoming a mother once was one of these dedication

To kill the boredom & loneliness

However becoming a mother twice would be a compromise yet again

You do mistake once, twice & but third time it becomes a habit

I don’t want to keep letting go & compromise my life 

For other’s happiness , for their selfish desires. 

I am going to make a choice for myself today

I am going to not compromise today!

For me to be strong & selfish 

Because I exist. Like literally.

No one to appreciate. No one to care.

I have to look out for myself all bare.

I can’t bring up a child in a world of misery, pandemic & hatred. 

I can’t bring up a child with male dominance. 

I have to stand up for myself & never look back.