Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Why do we think What we think - Part I

 We think what we think because We are unfulfilled souls

I am one , and him being another one

We think what we think because we miss the other side of ourselves,

the one that we wish to be, the one that is greener & 

the one that we think would be happier than this one. 

We think & think, but we overthink only somethings! 

We overthink about someone or some situations we can't live without in the past or future. 

We overthink because we can't live in the present. 

I overthink about someone, during my waking hours in the day, my mindful hours 

I overthink about him, stalk, meditate, fascinate rain or shine hours 

I am writing about someone I know for 12 years but mostly through a screen 

I am writing about someone I fell for, loved, drifted & again fell for multiple times 

I am writing about someone I never touched in person, but feel his touch in every bit of my body 

I am writing about someone who I regret of not being with when I wake up every next day

life has kept us only at mercy of a smart phone for so many years, 

that he starts feeling unreal, just a fantasy, just someone in my dreams 

The most handsome, tall, dark eyed, humble voice calling my name 

I stop, stumble, turn back to see if It's him. 



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